Brother MFC-J6545DW vs. Sharp MX-304W

If you are planning to acquire a printer, whether it is for personal or company needs, you need to think about many factors. You need to make sure that these factors are met so that you won’t regret acquiring the equipment in the long run. Having your equipment for printing is a huge advantage and would help you save a lot as time passes, and you’d be able to pat yourself and say it was a good decision to acquire a printer. For starters, two printers that you can check out are the Brother MFC-J6545DW and Sharp MX-304W. You can check out their functions and see if the features you are looking for are in them, but for easier comparison, you can keep reading to have a bit of knowledge of what each piece of equipment offers.

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Brother MFC-J6545DW

This machine is an inkjet printer designed as an all-in-one that delivers very reliable performance and can show a big difference when it comes to production. Its results look very professional that it is perfect for your small businesses or even can be used in your home offices. They have INKvestment Tank cartridges that have been re-engineered so you can work and print uninterrupted for as long as a year without buying ink for the machine that has an internal tank wherein ink is stored. Aside from the 1-year uninterrupted ink supply, you can also save in ink replacement once you have already used up all your ink supply. You can use their Super or the Ultra High-Yield INKvestment Tank cartridges as a replacement, and they can print your documents for $0.01 for monochrome while $0.05 for colored documents per page. You can also rest assured that your printing rhythm won’t be ruined as the machine has a printing gauge feature that can help you track the ink usage of your printer, and you’d also be able to know how much ink is remaining so that you can plan what you should do next. This printer can print documents quickly, so you won’t have to worry about waiting, and you can also print wireless using your phone, laptop, or computer for an easier workflow.

Sharp MX-304W

Another example of a printer that you should never miss is the Sharp MX-304W, as it has many amazing features that can fulfill your needs when it comes to printers. They have a leading security feature that keeps your documents safe and private, together with a touchscreen display that you can customize for an easy viewing of your documents that have been saved on its 500 GB HDD. You can also edit your scanned documents so that you can use them in PDF or Microsoft Office format, whichever you prefer. This machine also allows scanning and printing using your mobile phone using the Sharpdesk Mobile feature for an easier workflow aside from printing your documents through wireless printing using your laptop or computer. This is a multifunction printer that can print 30 pages per minute so that you don’t have to wait a long time for your printouts to be printed.

Whether you like a single or a multifunction printer, you can find something that will be a good asset for you and your company to help increase productivity without sacrificing the quality of your documents. For further details and information, you can always contact the nearest provider in your area so they can answer all your questions about printers and help you decide what kind of printer is the right one for your needs. They can also show you other choices that might suit your needs in the long run and help you save a lot of your budget that you can use for other areas in your business that need funding.